Thursday 23 December 2010

In the begining

Today i talked to a friend about the brace position should an airplane crash, now the theory is that they ask you to push your head down onto your lap so that at the moment of impact youre hurtled forward, head first, into the deat infront and you die becauseof a severed spinal chord in the neck. Now you can of course see benefits to this quick, painless etc. etc. but then again the last thing i want to have to see (and smell) in the final moments of my life are the feet of the old lady sitting next to me who is so hairy she could quite possibly be related to big foot.
Now im sure for all you people who are scared of flying that thats a comforting thought for you. But please keep in mind that according to if you fly with one of the 25 best airlines in the world your chances of dying in a plane crash are 9.2 1 so next time youre flying keep in mind that the chances of being struck by lighting accord to are about 3 million to 1.
Since im feeling in the mood for statistics heres a final one for you, the chances of you being killed in a road accident on the way to collect the prize money from a winning lottery ticket are higher than you winning the lottery in the first place. Now thats life for you!